A couple of months ago, George, my stepson, (he really is a bright kid...graduated from Calhoun Honors College at Clemson) was in the car with us going to Charlotte. We made a quick stop at a rest area where we bought some snacks, a.k.a. junk food. As we continued our trek north on 85, I opened a pack and said to George, "Would you like a NAB?" His reply, "What's a nab?" What? It was like a knee jerk reaction. I looked at Tom and he looked at me in total disbelief. Shocked. Speechless. Reading each other's mind, we were thinking, "What did he just say?"
I ask you this. How could anyone raised in the south or even the southeast, not know what a NAB is? Since I am his stepmother and he didn't come into my life until he was fourteen, I take absolutely no responsiblily for this blatant failure in parenting.
But wait, there's more. One evening a few weeks ago, as I was watching television as I'm prone to do anytime after 8:00 A.M., I saw a commercial that almost caused me to hyperventilate. They were advertising NABS but were calling them "sandwich crackers." Help me Rhonda! No one, and I mean no one who I know calls them sandwich crackers. They are quite simply, NABS.
So to quell this confusion this is a NAB.
And this is a pack of NABS.

It's that simple. Will someone please tell the Lance people.

It's that simple. Will someone please tell the Lance people.
ongulatno baby....its a "cheeeez crackah"and me and my daddy ate those on long country rides with a Co Cola with peanuts in it...guess me n George are related...LOL
love ya
okay that first word with an o in it ...it was my word verification I had to type to post my comment...duuuh..it makes no sense why it posted
Nancy, I have heard you call them Nabs many times but I always called them cheese crackers too! I guess it is a south Georgia, North Florida thing...
I have to agree with Ortt...I ate cheese crackers that look just like those Nabs...I think it is a South Georgia, North Florida thing...
We called them Nabs, but over the years it changed to cheese crackers...except for those brown square cookies with peanut butter inside. Those have always been Nabs.
Nicely put. I grew up in NC but now live in MA and was just trying to explain to someone up here what Nabs are. Google informed me that you had written a blog piece about them and the next thing I know, here I am.
Jan Karon has her main character Father Tim eating Nabs and drinking Cheerwine in her book Out To Canaan. Now I know what she was referring to! Thanks!
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